The Stories
For Us
Let Them Be Forever
About Us
The Stories For Us is an innovation in the way we celebrate, record and preserve family history for generations to come with living photographs. Throughout our lives, we come to possess souvenirs of experiences that we cherish, from personal celebrations, careers, loves ones, lifestyles and hobbies.
Over time, souvenirs can gather dust and their stories become forgotten. From an old photo taken on the day you met the love of your life, to the garments you wore during your greatest achievements, these souvenirs of experiences have amazing stories to tell if we know how to listen.
As family members spread out across the world, the living photographs can keep family history close to us as they can be shared digitally. To learn more about what living photographs are and how they are made, click here.
When you're ready to book with us, send us an e-mail with any questions you might have to and we will take it from there.
Scan & Photograph Your Souvenirs
Together we will sort through the collection of souvenirs you have prepared for memory recording. These could be photographs, garments, books, cars, household objects or the dusty box under a bed.
Record The Memories And Stories With You
One by one, we will use the I.P.A.B memory method to discover and explore the stories of the souvenirs. Questions will be asked and recorded onto an audio device.
Create Digital Living Photographs
With the audio recordings, we create our signature living photographs for you to keep. These will forever bind your stories to the souvenirs for generations to come. The living photographs can be shared amongst family and watched on nearly any digital device.
Contact Us
Or Call Tom - 0407 580 678